Monday, Jul. 15, 2002

3:41 p.m.

[ Appreciate it ]

In Genghis Jon's entry today, he talked about the way the US does everything that's needed to keep terrorism and nuclear war at bay, yet is blamed for everything that's wrong with the world. What he said hit really close to home because it's something I've not only felt, but have talked about with other people. There seems to be a collective understanding blossoming here but only people who live in this country can see it. I don't want to spend too much time talking about it because I'd rather anyone passing through here would read the entry I'm referring to, but I will say that I agree wholeheartedly with what was said.

Violence goes completely against what I believe as a witch and a mother, but what else could we have done? If we stood idly by and let things happen we would have eventually by our inaction turned our own living space into a demilitarized zone. Does anyone who protests the war really believe, even for a second that the same thing could never happen here? Are we even still capable of being that blissfully naive? We have already seen what is possible and if anyone thinks it can't get worse they're really fluttering about in the ozone. Without fear of swift, immediate and powerful retribution we would have been just like Afghanistan eons ago. We keep our position in the world and maintain the economy and way of life we do, not because the other people in this world are being nice, for fuck's sake. We keep it because they fear our economic power and the strength of our military. People had better damn well appreciate it because it's the only thing that keeps us safe.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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