Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002

3:20 p.m.

[ Boards and such ]

I'm still adding things and doing some rearranging. The Web Rings page is new. I'm not sure if I'm going to do the diary rings thing this time. I've kind of jumped right back in with both feet by editing my profile, linking people and joining clix again, so it seems like a good idea to wait and see how I feel about diaryrings later. Right now I'm not that interested.

I was concerned about losing my mod status when we moved to the Fangoria boards, (my ID is slasherchick btw), but the forum really hasn't changed that much. I'd have been okay with it (it is D's baby after all), but I liked taking care of the wicca boards. D also put me in charge of the Mike Williams boards, which rocks because the only actor who generates as many joy joy, golly I sure do love him feelings in me besides Mel Gibson is Mike Williams (Blair With Project). I must have seen BWP about a hundred times. I used to be completely obsessed with it, but then after having the babies I haven't had as much time to watch it as I'd like. I may just remedy that in the near future. I don't know when, but I will.

Gotta go do some mom things now.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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