Monday, Nov. 04, 2002

11:22 a.m.

[ Jackass!! ]

After several weeks of exposure via caring for the babies, I have finally caught their cold. I don't know why we can't get rid of this thing. It seems like they're getting over it, but then it comes back after a week or two on hiatus. I know this is what they had because my throat is so sore that the pain extends to the bottom of the left side of my mouth, under ny tongue. There's a knot on that side too, so I suspect my tonsils are swollen again. A few years ago there was talk of having them removed, but the doctors I was seeing (this was before I started seeing the doctor I have now), never would do it because the surgery is so painful for an adult to recover from. I wish they had gone ahead, because if it turns out I need to have a tonsillectomy now, I can't. I can not recover from surgery when I don't have anyone to look after my children. No one I know can take off work, my grandmother isn't well, my aunt has been having seizures and Larry works. I literally can't afford to be out of commission and I can't chase babies while in recovery. Besides, we're supposed to be going to SC at the end of the month, and I'd rather just go ahead and get that over with.

At the end of August I got a sore throat and it was just like this, except both sides were affected. It was when I had a recurring sore throat before that the talk of removing my tonsils got started, so I'm sort of expecting more of the same.

Well, maybe not. Not much was done when I saw my doctor in August.

I wish they'd just yank the fuckers and be done with it.

On a happier note, John and I went to see Jackass last night. Up until now the funniest movie I had ever seen was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, which I laughed almost all of the way through. Jackass had me going through the entire film, all 1 hour and 45 minutes of it. It is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen. John and I were both hurting when we got home from laughing so hard.

I don't want to give too much away in case someone passes through who hasn't yet seen it, but I will say that Chris Pontius was great! He did Bunny the Lifeguard (which is my favorite character of his, check out the duds and you'll see why), and Party boy (total fucking riot!). The unfortunate effect of this film is that the toilet stunt killed all of the attraction I felt toward Dave England. Consider me cured. After his Urban Kayaking adventure and his Poo Hug stunt on the show I was in love, sort of. But not any more.

Thanks, Dave.

There were some interesting cameos in the film too. I was shocked to see both Tony Hawk and Henry Rollins. They were only on for about a minute each, but hey - even a little Henry Rollins (drool, drool, oh how do I love thee?), is better than none at all.

I looked around when we got there, hoping against hope that I wasn't the only chick in the theater and I got lucky. Several members of the sisterhood showed up. I was however, the oldest person in the entire theater. To say the crowd was 25 and younger is pretty accurate. But everyone had a good time and I'm giving serious consideration to going back.

I need to think about that though. There are too many good movies about to be released. The second Harry Potter, LOTR TT, The Wild Thornberrys (can't wait for that one!!), Eight Crazy Nights and The Santa Clause 2. Actually, I think the SC2 has already been released.

I have to get out more. I just have to.

But not today. And not until my throat isn't so hurty.

Soon, though.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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