Thursday, Nov. 07, 2002

2:00 p.m.

[ Fan listing or clique? ]

Last night's ramblings about female middle age aside, I feel pretty good today. My throat is less sore and swollen and even though it hurts like hell if I sneeze or yawn, it still isn't as intense as it was.

I think I've finally decided what to do with my site. There are about a million sites made by wiccans about wicca and after seeing so many of them I've lost the interest in making another one. I have lots of pretty backgrounds and have gotten pretty decent at making my own graphics, though. Not as good as I'd like to be but like everything else, graphics and web design require that we go through a process of learning. I'm really enjoying it and I feel as if I have come so far in my learning. This time last year I was so virgin to it I had to get a design from someone else (I paid the designer with a copy of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, and it was one of the best investments I ever made), and at first was too timid to even add a text link. That was how I got started, by creating text links. Now I know how to do images, tables and can even handle a little javascript. I'm no Bill Gates but I'm pretty proud of what I can do.

Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to get paid to do this for a living and I really like the idea. I wish I could take some classes. It's too late for me to do that but I can be happy doing things this way. As long as I'm comfortable that's what matters, right?

Anyway, I'm going to take all of the pages I have on the site now down and turn it into either a fan listing or a clique. I've visited lots of those just recently and it looks like a fun project. It provides both a way to connect with other people and a creative outlet. I can design my own codes and since it's already a paid site visitors won't be hit with a barrage of pop-ups. I hate those things. The person who invented pop-ups should be stripped nude and sentenced to torture by paper cuts for an hour every day for the rest of his life.

I haven't decided exactly which it will be, but I'm getting pretty psyched to work on it either way. I'm not sure what to do with the Wiccan Journals Webring but I have time to think about that.

Maybe I'll just get started and see what happens.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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