Saturday, Jul. 13, 2002

11:43 p.m.

[ Illiteracy Rant ]


Just what the diabetic in me needs - candy!

discover what candy you are @

discover what candy you are @

Okay, I want to talk about grammar (not "Grammer", though I do really enjoy his "Frazier" character), here people. I keep seeing websites done by people who need some tutoring, or at least a little attention from Project Literacy US.

First off, those of you who don't know the difference between our and are have no business writing anything. You should be in the second grade going over your spelling homework and trying not to avoid letting Mary Jane Cutesiekins know you have a crush on her. Sorry, it just bugs me.

But not as much as...

People that have no ability to distinguish the difference between their and there. This aggravtes me more than I could ever effectively communicate. Again, go back to second grade and learn the proper use of both words, then build your website. Mary Jane Cutesiekins will repsect you for it later.

There is one group that really bothers me though. Even more than the are or there people. A group so illiterate, so incredibly challenged they should be forever banned from writing anything others can see until they have completed their education. The fingers of said individuals should forever be bound from spreading their ignorance like a corrupted pustule leaking foul smelling exudate across the surface of the planet. I am, of course talking about people who insist on substituting the possessive form for the plural. The dumbass who doesn't know the difference between "puppies" and "puppy's". The type of misguided souls who are likely to put a sign up in their yard that says, "Home grown veggie's for sale." People who require an apostrophe where it needs not be. For some reason those people irritate the hell out of me. I'm in the process of introducing a bill to legislature that would allow those people to be beaten with a pillow case loaded with several volumes of Webster's Dictionary next week. I'll let you know if it passes.

I'm not talking about the occasional typographical error, either. We all make those. Even I blow one out of my butt on occasion. Nobody's perfect, after all. I'm talking about those who do it regularly and who don't care. If you're going to put your work out there for others to see, then for fuck's sake be literate!! Don't parade your ignorance for the entire world to see. Use the fucking spell checker. That's why it's there, dolt.

Here endeth the rant. Damn that felt good.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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