Thursday, Jun. 27, 2002

1:58 a.m.

[ More memorials ]

I added two new pieces to the memoriam page (thanks for the link, BJ). The second one was the real challenge, as I did not think to save the image for the holocaust memorial when the page was posted on my gothique journal and it took me three hours of searching memorial sites (with the most graphic, horrible pictures imaginable, I might add), to find it. I really wanted that one though. It fits somehow. It conveys mood and mindset without being overly graphic. I had to have that picture. It was worth the search.

In other news, I have swallowed my pride and gone back to yahoo. Larry can't get a message sent to my Excite address because of some weird glitch at work and I'm completely tired of dealing with the bullshit at my other addresses. It's a real bite in the ass to try to access a mailbox and get a "closed for routine maintenance" message. That happens once or twice a week at Moontide. Gothic Girl mail has times when it refuses to load and errors keep popping up that prevent access to my .zzn address (haven't tried my gothfaerie mail yet, though). So it's back to yahoo, who will most likely be charging me for the service in the near future. If it means reliable service that I don't have to wait ages to download (*cough* namely MSN *cough cough*), it might just be worth it.

I'll have to update the info here later, though. I'm totally exhausted.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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