Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

11:01 a.m.

[ Princessly demands ]

I can't believe I'm finally finished with this thing! I started last night at about 10:30, thinking 'oh, this will only take an hour or so'. I got a hideous headache but didn't feel tired for a long time so I didn't go to bed until after four. Even then it wasn't done to my satisfaction so I had to work on it some more, so all together it probably took me about eight hours from start to finish.

I did a lot of experimenting in that time. The frikkin' tables were being difficult.

Also, to add a degree of difficulty (or maybe just for fun), Zo-etta decided that she had slept long enough just as I was going to bed. She does that almost every night. Sometimes I manage to sneak in under her mom radar, but I'm positive this chick has a sixth sense when it comes to me because she usually sounds off just as I'm closing the door to my bedroom. She's a sporting lass, My Zoe. Proof of this is that sometimes she allows me to get snuggled under the covers first, thereby giving me a false sense of security. Then she squeals.

I swear sometimes I think I can hear her snickering under her breath.

But last night was completely my bad for staying up and fighting a BK (that's bitch kitty in case anyone was wondering), of a monster headache to try and finish working on my journal design. I felt restless anyway and thought I'd put it to good use.

Yes, I wanted an Elijah Wood design that bad.

Oh shit.

I hear the voice of Zo-etta as we speak.

She's sending out the warning squeal to see if she gets a response. She expects a speedy one too. I hope one day she'll eventually meet and marry a man who is not only willing, but happy to treat her in the princessly way that she has come to expect. A guy that will love her, want to take care of her and not mind being outside the fitting room deflecting the disgusted glares of other males while holding Zoe's handbag and sitting in what my brother so eloquently refers to as the asshole seat.

Hey, it could happen

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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