Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002

10:44 p.m.

[ Random Stuff ]

This was at Enchancea's site.

It tells you your special faery's name. Mine is Feather Hailwitch. Here's a little bit about her:

She is a protector of the lonely.

She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.

She is only seen in the enchanted moment between sleep and waking.

That is so amazing to me. I love her already. :o)

Today at the boards I received a reply to my message asking if anyone has a Blair Witch Backpack or a photo of Mike Williams to trade or sell. Apparently the guy who replied is married to the woman who bid a hundred dollars for the backpack I was desperately trying to win. She must have. If not she came damned close because I bid over $80.00 for it myself before giving up. I guess it turned out okay because I really can't afford to spend eighty dollars on a backpack, however special it may be. I really wanted that though. And the guy who got it was gloating. He called me "Mate".

I'm not a guy, shithead.

Anyway, life does go on.

Thanks Fae, for the plug. It made my day and is much appreciated.

:: big cheesy grin ::

There's no one to talk to and I'm so incredibly bored tonight. Bored and a little chuffed. Larry had a rough day which didn't get any better when he was at the doctor's office waiting for his shot. They made him wait about 45 minutes, the whole of which was spent listening to two elderly ladies talk about their illnesses, grandchildren, the high cost of things, ect. By the time he went in for his flu shot he was ready to lose his mind (older people piss him off in general, especially the whole driving issue), and then when he was standing at the counter waiting to pay his co-pay one of the elderly ladies cut rudely in front of him.

"Oh you were here first. Well I guess it doesn't matter now."

He was shocked and pissed off by how rude she was. Since beating her to death with her purse wasn't an option, he let it go. By the time he got home he was in a foul, foul mood.

He hasn't slept well the last two nights and things have been hectic at work, so I understand why he's so crabby. I hope he sleeps tonight though because he's not usually like that.

He was snippy, which in turn made me snippy.

I don't know what to do with myself. I wanna talk and no one's on AIM.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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