Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002

10:58 p.m.

[ Thanks guys! ]

My brother called tonight, just as I had given up any hope that he might remember that he hasn't said anything to us about my niece's christening tomorrow. I know he and his wife are busy, I mean, really really busy since they both work and have the baby, so I wasn't offended. Shit, at least he did call. Anyway, we're going. I've lost a little weight and am actually starting to look fairly decent so I'm not as freaked as I normally would be about being in such close quarters with a room full of people I don't know (my SIL's family).

Larry and I are still majorly upset about what the county psychs told us about Trent last week but we have reason to believe (beyond our parental intuition), that those people are absolutely full of steaming wet horse shit.

A huge bucket of it, slopping over the brim.

I've been updating about that in my Dead Journal, so check there but be warned, I was talking about sex there. If that offends you, or the thought of me having sex grosses you out (as it no doubt would horrify my son), it's okay to skip it. It just happened to be going through my mind, as it always seems to be these days.

Hee-hee. I'm a slut.

I'm always talking about going to bed early and not doing it but tonight I have to. The christening is at 10:45 tomorrow morning and I have to meet my folks to convoy at 9. It's an hour trip both ways, and I still have to make it back in time to take John to see Eight Legged Freaks like I promised. I'm really looking forward to that. Actually, I'm so psyched I can't stand myself.

:: jumping excitedly ::

This movie is gonna rock so hard!!

All of my guestbook, email and comments messages from dead journal are starting to gather and I will reply to them within the next two days or so.

I'm starting to feel like my silly self again.

A big thank you to everybody who sent me a message. You all mean a lot to me and your support is priceless. I love you guys. You're always there when I need support and I appreciate it more than I can ever adequately express.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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