Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003

8:04 p.m.

[ Writing again ]

I'm writing again. I gave up on the storyline I've been pondering for the last two years because no matter how many different angles I see it from, nothing but the bascis appeal to me. Usually I can envision continuity, the way one part flows into another. I came to the realization a few days ago that even though I love the main character and enjoy the process of writing, there's really no story there. That's why I've been blocked. Not because I can't write, but because I was in essence beating a dead horse and didn't have the good sense to let it die in peace.

My love for the main character though, it keeps me from allowing the story to just go completely away. It's like a little ghost hanging around waiting to have something to do and will probably stay that way. I'll think about the story from time to time but unless major inspiration hits I don't see it going anywhere. It makes me kind of sad because I really wanted it to work.

Inspiration to do something else has hit me in a big way though, a storyline that not only works but will not have the same continuity issues as the other one. WOOT!!

And, as if that weren't enough, the missing element of a story I have had in my head for almost a year suddenly and without warning *clicked*, so now I have the raw material for two books . All up here in my head, worked out and waiting to be written. I was going to do nanowrimo this year but now I've lost all interest in it. I am so excited I went right out to buy a new notebook and erasable pens so I can get started right away. My recorder has fresh batteries and my mini notebook is empty. I am so ready.

Finally, I'm getting to work. Woo hoo!!

I'd very much like for everyone to go to bed now so I can get started.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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