Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003

9:30 p.m.

[ YAY!! ]

Larry brought me back a copy of Hotel Paper from his shopping excursion today, which I am currently listening to, and loving it!!

Even though her music has become popular, I completely disagree with people who place her in the same category as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. She writes all of her own music, she plays her own guitar and she isn't just some act the studio threw together to make money. She has genuine talent and isn't relying on an image to help her get by. If my daughter were to choose her as a role model I'd be fine with that, as opposed to her emulating someone who shows so much skin and acts so trashy. That would just make me worry.

I guess I'm more old fashioned than I thought.

This week I'm going to do the first magickal working I've done since last Samhain. I have the whole thing all worked out in my mind and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to have to do it indoors since our lovely little county here has been discovered to have an extremely high concentration of mosquitoes that are infected with west nile, a distinction we share with only five other counties in the entire state. Aren't we special? Anyway, we have been repeatedly warned to stay indoors during the early evening through early morning hours, when it's their peak feeding time. Everyone's wondering why the west nile is so widespread this year and really I think it should be obvious. Last year we had a severe drought. This year we've had so much rain lots of places have flooded. It's either feast or famine, as my grandmother would say. If it were math (which I suck at to the point of sheer stupidity, but I think my calculations here will be accurate), the equation would look like this:

No water=no mosquitoes.



So anyway, I'm really excited about doing it and I hope the outcome is the way I want it to be because this particular working is very special, in a very personal way, for someone else.

Damn gotta go. More later.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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