Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002

10:14 a.m.

[ I've had better mornings ]

Another red letter morning here at Chez' Dreamy.

I was happy with myself because my sugars were looking phenomenal this morning and I was all dressed and on my way downstairs to do my thing on the treadmill before the kiddies woke up, when the phone rang.

It was my mom.

She went out to sweep the porch before getting ready for work and locked herself out of the house. She called out to my dad, who was just disappearing over the hill on his way to work but he didn't hear her. She was stuck outside in her nightie and this impossibly hot zebra print robe she's partial to.


Z was awake but I had to wake T up and the poor kid has spent the morning looking seriously stoned.

I stopped on the way to get some money because my mom was out of cigarettes and in bad need of coffee, then stopped at the Sheetz (Shitz), and went home. Mom agreed to watch the kids so I could go downstairs and exercise but my babies needed clean pants and breakfast first so I took care of them while my mom called work and tried desperately to get in touch with my dad. When she did he came over immediately to get her.

Wait!! I still haven't exercised and both of my babies are awake now!!

They hung out for a few minutes but my dad had to get back to work so after a cup of coffee he took my mom home.

Damn. After all that nobody could stick around for thirty fucking minutes? Don't they know what it's like trying to get thirty minutes to myself, even for this very important thing, with two babies awake? They sleep in shifts, for fuck's sake.

Girl is awake while boy sleeps. Girl falls asleep. Boy wakes up.

It seems I kind of screwed them up though. When my dad was letting me borrow his cell phone last week I noticed that there were messages on it and attempted to get them to play for me. They didn't, but in the process I screwed up the settings on his phone and now it doesn't ring. It goes straight to voicemail. So we had to wait for him to get his messages to tell him what was going on. In the meantime my poor mommy just about had a freaking coronary.

While they were here they also told me my grandmother is in really bad shape. Her pain, which has been bad for quite awhile (arthritis), is now constant and so intense she can barely get out of bed most days. I want to see her and my mom is probably going out there this weekend so we'll be going to.

The highlight to all of this is that not only do I finally get to see my grandmother and aunt, but there's no confusion about getting J back and forth so that he doesn't have to accompany us to SC in two weeks, as he most likely would have had to do if we took both trips concurrently. There would have been a major outburst from FF over that.


My loathing for him is intense and everlasting.


Going this week shortens the trip to SC and accomplishes the monumental task of getting us all out to the ass-crack known as Roanoke Virginia

:: shudder ::

for a visit with the relatives I actually want to see.

So there are some good things about this morning.

I still would have liked to have thirty minutes to exercise, though.

Mom said something about sticking around but I knew dad had to be back so I told them to nevermind, just go on ahead.

I'm such a pushover. I should have been selfish, especially after what I learned at the doctor's office yesterday and forced the issue. This is my health, after all.

But no.

I have to be nice all of the time and accomodate everyone else before I can even think of doing anything that might benefit me.

I hate being such a wussy asshole.

Stand by for swearing (sorry I just have to):


Fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck!!

** In other news, I think I will go ahead and add a cast list after all, so people can match my letter code to the people involved and at least get a reasonable idea what the hell I'm talking about. **

** Footnote: T killed my PC last night. I have no access to my pictures, graphics or anything else, and I have to use hubby's PC while I wait to see if Mel (yeah, I named my PC Mel Gibson), can be saved. If it can't, I've lost everything and L doesn't want me downloading anything to his PC so I can't even make the attempt to hunt down and collect (again), my lost stuff. **

Somedays it sucks hairy gorilla ass to be me.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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