Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002

12:10 p.m.

[ New Design ]


I've been trying to learn to get my entries to look like this for the longest time and never had any success until last night, when I became absolutely determined that it was going to happen even if I had to sit up all night.

I was close. I sat up until after 2am.

It was worth it. I wanted the scrolling entry feature so much!! It looks so nice and the journal doesn't look so cluttered. I always liked the background so whatever I did had to work with it.

I'm not sure about the border. I like it black, which renders it almost invisible, but the greyish green color isn't bad either.

The only drawback is that it looks slightly different on my screen than on Larry's, which is a size bigger than my 800 by whatever. But still, I'm so happy, not just because I now have the feature I wanted, but because I learned how to do it and am now able to do it again when I want to.

I love learning new things!

I'm a very tired but happy girl.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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