Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002

1:09 p.m.

[ Gotta have my yearly ]

My challenge: make an appointment for my yearly exam (you know what I mean, don't you, ladies?).

Why it presents a challenge: I have no sitter, Larry's not off until thanksgiving, my doctor is booked up through most of December, then off during the week that Larry has off at christmas and won't be back until the day he goes back to work.

The alternative: take the babies with me and hope that Trent doesn't climb out of the stroller while my legs are up in the stirrups.

To quote Henry Rollins, "No thank you - I want mineral water!"

Okay, well perhaps that was just a tad obscure, but you get the idea.

The creep factor of having one's children in the room while one's girly parts are all exposed and being probed (anyone aroused yet?), is pretty darned high. The creep factor soars when we add in the fact that Trent moves like lightning and can reach the doorknob, thus exposing said girly parts to passersby.


What to do, what to do...

For the moment I'm clueless. Larry wants to discuss this when he calls me back after lunch. He wants to talk about my delicate and most personal organs while surrounded by his coworkers. I know there's a joke in there someplace. Not that this would be embarrasing or anything. By the end of the day his lab partners will be privy to more knowledge about my...ahem...womanhood than anyone ever need be, I'm sure.

Perhaps when I go I'll take pictures so that Larry can circulate them at the lab and everyone can get an idea of what we were talking about.

Why dontcha take a picture - it'll last longer?!

Tee hee.

I'm in a hopelessly silly mood today. That's why I'm not upset about not getting an appointment. Besides, due to FF's cheapness I only got an exam of this kind every two or three years while we were married and, well, everything still works just fine. I'm having PMS right now anyway so next week is looking kind of bad for this kind of thing.

Now that I have completely and utterly sickened my readers...

Oh shit. Reviewers are going to be seeing this. Maybe I should delete it.

Naaaaaaah. They're though. Besides, I should have an entry every once in awhile that isn't loaded with bitching and moaning, yes?


I was thinking of entering that NaNoWriMo thing but I found out about it way too late and even I can't write that much in one day without making so many errors as to render my manuscript unintelligible. Perhaps next year. I'm pretty busy anyway. I review for three sites, I'm about to start a vox populi for mommies (including making icons...er, codes, designing, ect.), with the kind cooperation of this nice person, I'm reading The Virgin Suicides (which Larry gave me for x-mas last year, which gives an idea of how on the ball I am...not), and I have the small matter of the two minor children I'm attempting to raise in such a way that will guide them toward becoming the exact opposite of me.

That's a lot of things to do all at once.

So no quickly written novel for me. It sounds like a hoot though. I'd like to try to do it eventually. Next time perhaps. Or maybe when the kids are in college.

But I make no guarantees to myself about doing it then, either.

I'm off to make my futile afternoon attempt to get the kids to nap at the same time.

Wish me luck.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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