Monday, Aug. 11, 2003

8:31 p.m.

[ Larry's home ]

Larry's on vacation this week. It's nice to have him home. He's gone so much during the week we don't get much time to connect and I really miss him. We got word a few weeks ago that the old lab is going to reopening soon and they intend to call back the old employees. It was a pleasant, relaxing day with the babies and none of us did very much. He has surgery later this week to remove a red spot from his face (sun exposure most likely caused it), and a dental appointment but other than that, he's mine all mine.

Unfortunately, a slight damper has been put on this delightful circumstance by the untimely arrival of the crimson tide.


If they can offer Sir lawrence the same position he has now with the same salary he might consider it, but because the company that took over has been largely run by flakes, who have made dull-witted typically flaky decisions, he's not sure if it would be worth it. I sure hope he is able to do it, though. It would mean a ten minute commute (15 minutes if the traffic is bad), versus the 90 minute drive (each way), he now has to take. I wrote about this in my deadjournal before I came back. I'll post it here later too.

In other news...

I found a clear backing for my piercing, so now I'm not as axious for that captive to arrive. Good thing too, because I haven't yet been notified about the shipping date.

That reminds me - Hot Topic sells body jewelry too. I wonder if it's the same quality as the pieces that are available through shops that specialize? I haven't bought any from there yet because I'm not sure.

More later.

I'm thinking about using a drop-menu here too. The endless line of links is bothering me and if I move my buttons from the right side I can lengthen my entry table. it will just look better.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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