Friday, May. 31, 2002

9:40 p.m.

[ My Own Bathroom ]

I'm on a cleaning frenzy. Today I cleaned house all day and bathed the babies. Tomorrow I'm reclaiming my bathroom. It's a weird little bathroom with a door at each end. One door is narrow like the door on a linen closet and opens up into the workshop. The people who built this house finished most of the basement and used to have prayer meetings down here. By finished basement, I mean the floors are linoleum, there's a nice drop-ceiling (I usually hate those but this one looks nice), the main room is a family area and off to the side there's a laundry room, workshop/storage room with a bare floor and this really nice little bathroom. When I was pregnant with T, I claimed it as my own since the only time hubby uses it is if he needs to pee and the upstairs bathroom is occupied, and J won't use it because he says it's too spidery. It is, but when I was using it before I did a daily sweep for them. Other than the toilet, nothing else in it has been used since right before I had T and it's in desperate need of a good cleaning. I've wiped everything down since then of course, but it needs it again bigtime. A fitting or something needs to be tightened up under the sink too because it leaks ever so slightly but that's no big deal. I guess the only major problem is that if the upstairs toilet gets clogged and we plunge from the potty pushes up from the drain in the downstairs shower. I'm not sure how the laws of physics are being applied here.

I've never been so desperate for a shower that I didn't mind standing in poop to get one.

I don't remember why I stopped using it. Probably because it was easier to use the one upstairs. But I loved having it mostly to myself. Right now it's so spidery and gross I wouldn't even use the toilet in there unless it was a serious emergency, but when it's cleaned to my anal retentive standards, the Queen Mum herself would be proud to do her thang in there.

I believe that it's the little things that make life wonderful. Chocolate. Good movies. Great sex. Starbuck's coffee.

And having your own bathroom.

I can't wait to move back in.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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