Friday, May. 31, 2002

10:33 a.m.

[ Cruddy Phone Service ]

Right now I am so very, very angry. I don't know if it was the storm that did it or what, but we haven't had phone service since last Monday night. I have one of those moms who gets worried if she can't at least say hi once a day, so of course she's upset too, bless her. She had my dad drop off his cell phone here yesterday because if we have an emergency, we've got no way to call the fire or police departments. Pisses, me off, mightily, it does. Our bill is paid so we should have the right to decent service, and that doesn't mean having to wait four freaking days for it to be restored. I'm not just pissed about the wait, either. They expect us to do all of the work. I have had to go through here twice and unplug all of the phones, wait awhile, then plug them back in. When that failed to produce a dial tone, they told hubby to check the service at the box, whatever the hell that means. I guess he knows because he tried to do it when he got home from work, but he couldn't because the cables are all underground.


Shouldn't the person he spoke to at the phone company know that? Do they not have a computer in front of them with that information handy?

Jeez, mon!!

They were supposed to have been out here on Wednesday to fix it. On Thursday they couldn't give my husband a reason why they hadn't been. Now they say they'll fix it tomorrow.

Why do I doubt the validity of that statement?

I'm sure I'll be back to do more bitching and moaning later. Right now I have a house to clean and a very active two-year old to chase. Said two-year old just stripped all of the sheets off of his bed and is now pushing a chair through the hallway. Why? I'm sure I don't know.

I know you liked the other font, Sis, but I'm a big geeky dork who wears glasses and this one is easier to see.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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