Wednesday, May. 29, 2002

12:02 a.m.

[ Bronchitis, lipstick and sex ]

Hubby went back to see the doctor and I'm very relieved by what he said. Apparently his passing out during that killer coughing fit isn't at all unusual and it's caused by the fact that his bronchitis is still not completely gone yet. It took J and the babies about a month to get over it, and it's been about three weeks for L so he should be better within a few days. The doctor gave him yet another prescription for cough meds and an inhaler (he isn't asthmatic but that's how severe the cough is), and sent him home. I went out a little while ago and picked up his meds and dosed him up. He seems to be sleeping okay.

I really kirked over his passing out. It's been worrying me for days, especially since Mr. Tough Guy doesn't want to stay home from work. If he uses up his sick days we can't go to South Carolina at the end of June. Well boo-hoo. Like I really want to travel 8-9 hours each way with two bored babies screaming their guts out because they are tired of being in their seats and have to spend the week without any internet or PS2. I'm probably making it sound worse than it is, but I have come to loathe long car trips when the babies are involved. It isn't in their nature to sit still for that long. They're young, they have energy to burn. If they can't burn it off during the day they do it at the hotel when we're trying to get to sleep. It isn't their fault, they're just so busy.

My babies are total B vitamins, both of them.

We also have to work out something with J's dad and my family or something because we're going to visit my family in Virginia on the way and J promised he'd go the next time (they rarely see him), but I think if I try to take him to SC with us my ex will be shittin' kittens. We have three weeks to figure out how to work this.

I found the prettiest lipstick tonight. It's nude Maybelline Wet Shine Diamonds, which looks way shinier on the commercial but is still pretty nice just the same. I also picked up a beautiful shade of lip gloss (Almay), called Whisper, which is really rocking my socks right now. I love for my lips to have that wet, just-licked look and the Wet Shine stuff comes mighty close. Over the last two weeks I've gone into a major makeup buying frenzy because it's been so long since I bought any. Now that I'm losing the weight and starting to look better I'm more interested in wearing makeup and trying to make my hair look nice. I always care about my hair (even when nothing else looks right), but just recently I've been working on new styles and I think I may have figured out how to get it to do what I want.

I want sex.

L (AKA Hubby), has been feeling too gross to make love and's been awhile. I like the closeness and the intimacy that goes along with it, too. I miss that more than the sex itself, the cuddling and holding. The sex is pretty freaking groovy though. By the time it finally does happen I'll have to hold myself back so I don't harm him in my enthusiasm.

I'm such a slut.

** I've been off of the antidepressants for a week and I feel great! **
** Yay Me!! **

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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