Monday, May. 20, 2002

9:59 a.m.

[ Bronchitis and Shaggy Doo ]

T has to go back to the doctor today because after three weeks he's still sick. He seemed to be getting better there for awhile but his cough is terrible and he's sneezing out tons of mucous. Hubby is sick too, with bronchitis, just like the kids. I don't know how I've managed to avoid getting it myself so far, especially since the babies cough directly into my face while I'm holding them. If there's anything going around I'm usually the first to get it and the longest to have it but somehow this has passed me by. I thought I was getting it yesterday but it turned out to be an allergy attack from all of the pollens that are floating around in the area. We were having a severe drought but now it rains pretty regularly (thanks, Goddess!), and the pollen producing plants have shifted into overdrive to spread their seed out before the next dry spell. Good news for them, sucky for us. I'm sure it's aggravating the babies' already taxed systems. Today is Z's last antibiotic treatment and she does seem much better even though that rotten cough is still hanging on. It's not as rough as it was, though.

To everyone who has signed my guestbook or emailed me - Thanks! It makes me feel great to know that people actually missed me. I will be responding to every one of those messages either tonight or tomorrow. The time I've had online has been severely restricted by the attention needs of my younglings (as in, countless interruptions and an almost complete derailment of my train of thought), which is why my design was tweaked piecemeal. I think I am finally 100% happy with it now.

Amusing side note;

The actor I dreamed about a few weeks ago (the nice guy who got naked and pulled roaches off of my back), had a pretty decent part in the movie Thirteen Ghosts. Thanks to that I finally know his name. It's Matthew Lillard. He also plays Shaggy in the new Scooby Doo movie, and he can even do the voice, for which he now has my undying repect and admiration. I always loved Scooby & Shaggy. They're even on my checks.

Odd thing, though - now I have finally started to find him attractive. I wonder what it says about me that a guy like Shaggy is starting to look good to me.

Damn my hormones!!

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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