Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002

11:58 p.m.

[ Busy day Tomorrow ]

I got started designing the public diary I'm working on with Clrmehppygrl , and I think I may have mastered the fine art of using multiple tables. This time I have three. It's probably not as exciting as say, sitting in a hot tub full of aromatherapy stuff sipping virgin pina coladas with Mel Gibson might be, but it made me happy.

Tomorrow (actually, I guess it's later on today), I'm off to take John to see Half Past Dead. He originally wanted to see Jackass again, but I encouraged him to find out what else was playing. As entertaining as Jackass was I would like to see something I haven't seen before. Still if his heart was set on it I would have taken him to see it again. As my mother is fond of telling me, my kids have turned me into a complete and utter marshmallow.

I come by it honestly. My mom has a soft gooey melty center for my kids too.

Then we're going shopping for coats and groceries, then hopefully we'll be back before my parents come by to visit.

So it's going to be a full day.

John informed me a day or two ago that he wants a camcorder for xmas.

My response?

"Hold on a second son, while I reach up my butt to get that for ya. It's sitting right next to the big pile of money I'm hiding up there."

He just laughed at me. I get that a lot.

I was going to give him gift certificates to Hot Topic and Toys R Us in addition to the other things I've already bought but if I don't buy those I think I can cover the cost of a camcorder. I found a really cool one at Amazon, that I can afford to purchase without resorting to prostitution.

What John doesn't understand is that his child support check only goes so far. I refuse to complain about it any more though, because even though it's not as much as I'd like to be getting, and FF can afford to give his son much more, at least I'm getting a check. Lots of women don't get one at all, or don't get one until they chase the deadbeat dad down and prosecute. So I do understand how fortunate I am.

Trent is fianlly starting to talk. His vocabulary has doubled in the last month and just recently (the last few days), seems to be increasing by one to three words a day.

He was talking before and for some unkown reason just stopped. We don't know why. But he's doing much better and hopefully we won't need to take him to any more specialists after the holidays, as we had planned to do. By then it will be over a year that we've been dealing with all of this nonsense when it's obvious Trent made the conscious choice to stop speaking. It may have something to do with Zoe's birth because his speech seemed to halt shortly thereafter.

How can the idiots we've taken him to see at the health dept. believe he's autistic when he used to speak? It isn't as if he never did. That would be a whole other issue.

I'm not going to get myself all worked up thinking about it tonight. I need to get to be early if I'm going to make the 12:30 show tomorrow because I have so much to do in the morning.

Looks like it's going to be an awesome day, though.


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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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