Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2002

12:50 a.m.

[ Damn shame ]

Yet another thing to be pissed off about, and it's something that most likely wouldn't get a rise out of me if I weren't so uncomfortable.

I tried to add a flying butterfly graphic to my journal design. Jana told me where to get the script to make it work, but all it does is bring up a big error on my page. No butterflies. On Jana's page it works great. On my dream journal page at diary-x it looks awesome. But it refuses to work here or on my dead journal and I'm getting really tired of screwing around with it. I even tried Lissa explains it all, and the script I got there did the same thing.

So I guess my journal is going to stay like this.

Damn shame.

Those snowing/flying graphics are the shit.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and signed my guestbook. I will definitely answer each and every one of those messages.

It just takes me a bit longer these days. I don't get as much time online as I used to because I have all three kids at home during the day now and since I'm not on the meds I get tired sooner so I can't stay up half of the night any more.

It's not all bad, I'm having a pretty good time with the kids, especially now that I'm duct taping Trent's diapers onto him.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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