Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003

10:39 a.m.

[ Design ideas. ]

Yeah, I know - two entries in less than ten minutes is nutty, but that's just me.

There are going to be some changes here within the next few days (probably by Friday), as I rework the design, so if anything looks weird or out of place, that's why.

While I like the design I'm using and am generally pleased with having learned how to add the bottom scrollbar to the entry table, things are looking a bit claustrophobic over here for my taste. Since I use a Mac I have to find something that works with both Mel 2 and Larry's PC, or it just drives me nuts because I'm so anal about the look of my site being just so. I want to do something that's a bit more open and allows the entry to span down the page without killing to look of everything else. I'm thinking either a central table with links to the side like Azimel has (and isn't that shade of blue just beautiful), or something that has a large image bar at the top and no borders around the tables and a dark background to give everything a nice open look.

I think I'd like to experiment with a bit more color too.

I don't expect anyone to respond to this, it's just me going over some ideas.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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