Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

4:27 p.m.

[ DeadJournal36 ]

From my other journal, dated August 29, 2002

I don't usually get all psyched up about a new TV show, especially since my only time to sit down and watch something in relative quiet is after my children go to sleep, but I'm really looking forward to seeing MDs. It has an absolutely amazing cast, and the premise is more interesting that your standard medical drama fare. It focuses on two doctors who are always caught between their patients and hospital administration, who wants to keep their budget as low as possible.

The cast includes:

Jane Lynch (Best In Show)
John Hannah (The Mummy & The Mummy Returns)
William Fichtner (The Perfect Storm)

Some people might remember William Fichtner (the oh so gorgeous man in the scrubs), as "Josh Snyder/Rod Landry" on As The World Turns. I used to watch that show religiously and I really loved his character.

Alas, I had to give up the soaps. I was so addicted I planned my whole day around the ones I liked (which were fortunately all on the same channel), and only got stuff done on commercials and after the soaps were over. John was just a little guy then, so of course it wasn't working. Babies have a tendency to want to be fed whether someone is finished confessing their unrequited love or not.

The show starts on September 25 at 10pm. I'm thinking about putting up a countdown button or something so I don't forget. I probably won't though.

In all of this not feeling well, I neglected to mention that Trent went to have his hearing tested on Monday and it's perfect. That was a little disappointing because we were holding out hope that the problem is hearing rather than learning oriented. I'm still hopeful. He seems to be starting to have a period of rapid development right now, doing things he didn't do before. He now does what he is asked more and more often. He tries to speak more often. People who know what they're talking about keep telling us he doesn't act like a learning disabled or autistic child. Plus he has learned two hand signals (sign language), so the child psych says that this it itself is very promising.
He tries to talk and it's just so cute! He likes Scooby-Doo fruit snacks. They're the stickiest, brightest colored things ever and soooooo sweet but he loves them. He does the sign for "more" when he wants something and I start going down the list of things he asks for most often, trying to find out what he wants. If I get it right he claps his hands or does a little dance. He's training me, you see. Sometimes he repeats what I've said to confirm his choice.

Me: Tell mommy what you want baby. Want Scoobies?

Trent: BOOBIES!!

Me (handing him a pouch of Scoobies): That's daddy's favorite too.

If John is in earshot, this is about the time he curls up into a ball and laughs for about ten minutes.

At least my children find me entertaining.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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