Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

4:45 p.m.

[ DeadJournal43 ]

From my other journal, dated September 11, 2002

I did see a bit of the coverage today, and found that I still feel the sorrow and sense of helplessness I felt a year ago, with the same intensity. I had no intention of watching any of it at all and the bit I did see made me ache so I only subjected myself to a tiny bit of it.
I think it's important that I say that I'm terribly sorry that I didn't vote for Bush. I voted for his dad and was very happy to do so because I thought that he was a good man and a good president. My decision to vote independent in the last election was motivated by two things:
1) Ralph Nader has proven beyond a doubt that he cares about people and this country. His record and his values speak for themselves and for him I changed my affiliations from Republican to Independent and cast my vote, sensing with every last ounce of my "womanly intuition" that he would never get the five percent of the vote needed to get funding for the next election. Those of us who backed him knew he'd never win. We were just trying to be sure he had a fighting chance next time. We failed.
2) George Bush said both in public and on his website that he didn't consider wicca and other forms of paganism to be religions. Unfortunately, I no longer have the exact quote. It was enough to make me very concerned for the rights of non-christians in this country. I'm very relieved to say that he has thus far (nor has he shown any intent to), do anything to affect the religious rights and freedoms of non-christians. What he has done, however, is go after the people who have attacked and threatened to attack us again with a vengeance. He motivated us to pick ourselves up and help others even though we were suffering ourselves and he showed us all how much he cares for us. He is very much a loving father figure, as corny as that sounds. The next time around he has my vote and my support. I feel that he has proven himself. People don't like the war (I don't either), and no one likes that there has been further loss of life, but if not for the fact that our president was willing to go to war and make the effort to see that those responsible for the horrors that were inflicted upon us a year ago are found and brought to justice there would have been more attacks to follow. I really believe that people who think it would have stopped with the 9/11 attacks are fooling themselves.
George W. has proven himself every bit as effective and competent to be in office as his father was. He is in my opinion a wonderful man and president.
If I don't stop now I could go on about this all night. I'm just too full of emotion.
I'm hopeful that this will all be over soon, though. How long can Bin Laden and his followers hide in cold caves with no medical attention and very little resources? They must be getting outside help. All of his assets were frozen last October. He has to be receiving help.
Okay, I'm really stopping now. I keep trying to make my entries shorter because I know it bugs some people out but I have some serious PC diarrhea. I just can't seem to help myself.


On to the wonderful...
I've often said that it's the little things in life that add up to make it all worthwhile most days, and today I was right. In 1983 a film called Koyaanisqatsi was released to rave reviews and developed a cult following. It had no dialogue. The entire story was expressed through music and imagery and based on the Hopi Indian celebration of life and balance. A sequel entitled Powaqqatsi was later made. I was too young to see the first film while it was still in theaters but was completely intrigued by the radio commercial for it, which was the title of the film chanted by men with these amazing deep voices with some drumming in the background.
I have been trying to see this movie for nineteen years. It is nowhere to be found. I looked for awhile when I was still married to FF, but with FF being such a FF, he didn't help. Larry did help me once and we looked for six weeks, in every video, music and book store in the area with no success. There wasn't even a copy to be had online.
Mucho frustration.
I decided to give it one more try this morning at Amazon. When it came up on the screen as available I nearly fell out of my chair. Not only is it available, both Koyaanisqatsi & Powaqqatsi have just been released on DVD - AND - a third film has just been made and will be in theaters in October.


So Larry and I already have plans for our anniversary.

Besides the usual ones, I mean (* blush * hee-hee - I'm such a slut).

The only drawback is that the film isn't officially available until September 17th, so I do have to wait awhile longer. But what's six more days after a 19 year wait, huh? I preordered the set so I would be guaranteed a copy when it becomes available in a few days.
I've heard nothing but good things about this movie, which is considered an art film by most of the people who have seen it. The whole Native-American aspect of it appeals to me greatly too. Oh, and the soundtrack (which is the only thing related to the film that I was actually able to find), is indesrcibably wonderful, if a bit brief. I assume a remastered version will be released around the same time as the third film.

It takes so little to make my geeky heart rejoice. I'm afraid I really am (much like Bartleby said of Loki in Dogma), just a simple creature.
Speaking of simple pleasures, I saw something tonight that surprised me and caused much rejoicing. It was an ad by the United Methodist Church showing people of different religions in prayer for peace. A Muslim man prayed next to a wall, a Hindu woman put her hands together and raised them over her head and christians prayed together in church. It was a very beautiful and uplifting piece. The end kind of made the whole thing for me though. It was a girl in a white dress in a forest, with her head back, arms up and palms raised skyward in the witch's prayer position. I had to see it five times and call Larry into the room to see it before I actually believed it. Usually we aren't represented at all.
How miraculous is that?
It really was an amazing thing. Could it be that we are on the way to being accepted?
I'd like to think so.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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