Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

4:47 p.m.

[ DeadJournal44 ]

From my other journal, dated September 14, 2002

We had a pretty good day for the most part. Larry and I got our life insurance taken care of and did some shopping with the kids. We had some mocha frappuccinos and chocolate. Those parts were wonderful and it's such a relief to get our life insurance squared away.


Unfortunately, I ran into an idiot this morning and it pretty much screwed the rest of my day. Not completely, but there was a definite shadow cast. To any readers who may be offended by swearing, this is a good time to stop reading. You were warned.

I've had people react to me negatively before in regard to my religion. Last fall two girls from the mormon church showed up on my doorstep and when informed that I was wiccan and therefore not interested, said, "Oh. Well, we don't believe anyone is wiccan."

MMMmmmmmmmmmmmm. 'Kay.

I bid them a good day and closed the door.

Today, as Larry and I were walking through the parking lot a woman noticed that we had a double stroller and commented on how cute the kids are. I thanked her and proceeded to help Larry maneuver the stroller (which is a bit ungainly at times), up the small steps leading to the insurance office. She then noticed my pendant and asked me about it.

Inguz looks like two of the letter "x", one perched on top of the other.

It's a rune stone representing fertility, the Goddess and the moon.

When I explained this to the woman, who from far away thought it was one of those Jesus Fish pendants (I've seen those, they're quite pretty, I think), she immediately stiffened up, looked very pissed off and said, "I don't believe in witchcraft."

Since Larry needed help I let it slide and turned to finish helping him get the stroller the rest of the way up the steps. She then stomped off, but turned around on her way and yelled, "I'll pray for you."

Loud and embarrassing.

Please, by all means feel free to tell the world that you think I'm going to hell, you incredibly stupid, obnoxious bitch. Please feel free to yell at me and embarrass me in front of our insurance agent.

To say I was shocked was a gross understatement.

It wasn't just what she said, it was the snotty way in which she said it. I don't give a rodent's colon if she thinks my religion is valid or not, she didn't have to be so fucking rude. The expression on her face was so self-righteous, she was obviously going out of her way to look down her nose at me. If she didn't want to know she shouldn't have fucking asked. I am so damned tired of this shit.

Why did I not go up one side of the bitch and down the other?

I'm actually pretty pissed off at myself right now that I didn't.

We had an appointment, Larry was struggling with the stroller and we were right in front of the insurance office. I'm not going to stand out in public and scream at someone or argue like some white trash asshole. My mother raised me better than that.

Why is it okay for people to approach us in public and be so openly rude? Even muslims are treated with more respect and radical muslim groups are responsible for the first bombing of the WTC in 1992, the bombing of the USS Cole and the 9/11 tragedy.

It pisses me off. This bitch may have thought she was doing me a favor by trying to make me "see the light" but what she did was totally uncalled for. I would never approach someone I don't know in such an insulting, openly hostile way. I just don't have the inclination. Believe what you want to believe. Just leave me the fuck alone while you're doing it.

Another thing that bothered me about it is that she did it in front of my children. They're small now but what about when they get older? If they had been four or five they would have been scared and upset to see someone snipping at their mother.

Does no one stop to consider this shit but me??

I'm really tired of being discriminated against. If I had approached her and given her a hard time about her beliefs it would have been considered harrassment.

Yet it's okay for people to come to my house or give me a hard time in public about mine.

Fuck that bitch and everyone like her.

And by that I don't mean christian. I mean self-righteous, holier-than-thou, better-than-you dumbasses with big mouths and too much attitude.

Sometimes I think freedom of religion in this country is a joke. The law certainly doesn't seem to apply to wiccans and pagans, if people feel comfortable talking to us like shit in front of our children.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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