Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002

11:38 p.m.

[ Empty fridge ]

Plugging: My new diaryring.

Spiff, no?

It has been a hellaciously tough week and I'm so glad it's over. We did lose all of the meat we had in the fridge and almost everything else too, so Larry's going to do some grocery shopping tomorrow. He tried to do some today and he brought back a few things (and got our xmas dinner ordered - yay him!!), but the gift shopping was really making him nuts so he cut out early and came home. That was cool with me. I needed a break and was ready for dinner anyway.

So tomorrow I'll be going out to shop for awhile after Larry gets back from the shooting range. I'm completely happy with that. I'm not as phobic about crowds as I used to be. One time I abandoned a cart full of stuff in a checkout line so I could run out to my car and breathe, but that was literally years ago and I haven't done it since. So it looks like I'll be doing the shopping for both of us. Coolness. I have extra time because I don't have to cook a full xmas dinner, so why not?

I'm so tired right now. More updates to follow.

Just not tonight.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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