Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002

11:59 a.m.

[ Man, oh man... ]

We had a partial power outage on Tuesday and a complete outage Wednesday night, broken only occasionally by short bursts of restored power. The lights would flicker for a second then go out again. Our internet has been out since Wednesday morning. We've been at a motel for the last two nights and returned home today to find everything operational and hopefully it will stay that way. I'll be back on later. Right now there's lots to do. Laundry, cleaning up, laundry, unpacking, laundry.

Did I mention laundry?

We lost everything in our fridge and most of what we had in the upstairs freezer. The food in the downstairs freezer apparently never defrosted.

If you either run a site I review for or are waiting for a review from me, please don't be upset. I've already gotten one very unhappy email and I promise you I'll be back in the saddle by tomorrow night. I'm a gifted practitioner, but those gifts do not include weather control.

I have an overwhelming amount of work to do in my home today and am running on very little fuel (both of the caffeine and sleep variety), so please...cut this girl a break.

And quit giving Squirrel-X a hard time about her banners. They're totally fucking cute and you all know it.


That is all.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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