Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002

11:51 a.m.

[ Icy day ]

I have to go out at 1:45 to take Zoe to an appointment with her doctor. She's had a cold on and off for about two weeks, but every time we get ready to take her to the doctor she gets better. Now I have to take her out in the worst ice storm I've ever seen.

It's been raining here like mad since last night and it has all frozen over. The rain is supposed to continue through today and then turn to a light freezing mist by about 8 pm. John was out of school today and probably will be tomorrow.

The world looks absolutely beautiful, as if it's been covered in glass. The tree in our front yard and all of the trees in the back look positively magickal because of it. I'm going to take some pictures later, maybe before I leave for Zoe's appointment.

As lovely as it is, it's a little scary too. I don't mind driving in the snow. In fact, I'm the only one in my whole family that doesn't mind running the errands in three feet of it, the wussies. :o)

But this icy stuff is, to quote Monty Python, something completely different. This has me spooked. I can see the sheets of ice getting thicker by the hour and the rain just keeps hitting them, leaving a thin coating of water that makes it look even more treacherous. My car is so iced over I'm thinking it may take some serious skill to get into it. It's literally dripping with icicles. So pretty!

Larry keeps saying it will be better this afternoon but it's actually supposed to get worse, according to the weather channel. This is the first time I can remember being afraid to drive in icky weather.

I can spread ice melt all over the driveway to try and make it safer, but I have to trek over the ice to get to the bag and the water is pretty much freezing within minutes of falling, so if I do make some progress, by the time I get myself and Zoe situated and ready to go it will have frozen over again.

I'm so glad I bought my baby girl a new coat, hat and mittens last night.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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