Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002

12:01 a.m.

[ Flooded out ]

In two days I have to go back to the health department to get the results of Trent's evaluation. I've been so nervous about it. I know he isn't disabled (for an explanation of how I know this, see the other journal, a few entries back. I mentioned it here but only briefly.

I was supposed to go out with my mom tonight and have some uninterrupted hanging out time but it seems there was a problem. When my mom woke up this morning and went downstairs to the kitchen she discovered that the filter compartment to the icemaker on her fridge had made yet another huge puddle on the floor. She is, to put it mildly, not a happy girl. She worked with it for awhile after work tonight and thinks the problem is fixed, so barring any unforseen circumstances we should be going out tomorrow.

The incident reminded me of something that happened a few months after the ex and I broke up. I had moved in with my folks of course (as if I ever would have had any place else to go), and my works schedule put me at home before anyone else most of the time. One night I walked in and heard the distinct and very loud sound of dripping. It was like a horror movie, this steady drip drip drip, and I wouldn't have been surprised to find a body perched in the corner of the kitchen or hanging from the ceiling. What I found was even more hideous than that. The pipe had burst under the bathroom sink upstairs and water was pouring out of the ceiling. Not dripping - pouring. The dripping I was hearing was the result of a steady stream of water that had somehow become independent of the main flow and was hitting the cabinet. Shit.

It ran down the wall and flooded the workshop area of my parent's basement too, soaking all of the equipment and the rolls of brand new carpet they were storing down there until the weekend, when they intended to install it. There was no way we'd ever get it dry enough so we had to toss it out.

Once we turned off the flow of water upstairs the cleanup on the floors was easy but we had to clean out all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and leave everything open to dry. My dad and ex husband went to the hardware store to get a section of pipe (apparently this was a very important piece of pipe because one of those chuckleheads couldn't bring it back on his own, they both had to go claim it as if it was fucking Excaliber), rather then one of them staying behind to help clean up the mess. I was left alone with it until my mom got home then the ex went back to his house and my dad went upstairs to bed.

Wow. That sucked.

It was the absolute worst flooding I ever saw.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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