Monday, Sept. 22, 2003

12:14 p.m.

[ Goodbye, butterfly ]

Hurricane Isabel came and went, leaving us without electricity for about about seventeen hours or so, with an only slightly damp basement and lots of yard cleanup to do when the weather permits but otherwise okay.

It did, however, kill my butterfly, which I found hanging in some webbing outside of my house as if it had been blown in sideways and gotten stuck. The thought that it probably starved to death breaks my heart. I pulled it out, hoping that it was somehow still clinging to life but it was gone. I found it practically first thing this morning as I was on my way back from an early appointment and have been very sad all day. I managed to save it once but couldn't do it twice. I looked it up and found that it was a member of the painted lady family, which dies out when winter approaches and I was trying to figure out a way to keep it alive during the winter with the intention of setting it free again in the spring. I'm so sorry it died. I feel as if it's my fault because I didn't find it sooner, like it died waiting for me to come and get it out of the webbing it had blown into. I felt so special and blessed that it wanted to be close to me. Butterflies just don't behave that way so to me this was a truly magickal thing.

I don't feel like writing any more right now.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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