Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003

11:13 p.m.

[ Some people are just lucky ]

My parents may actually have a buyer for their house. The contract is in the works and if all goes well they may be able to settle in April. This is amazing good luck or good timing (whatever), because the house they were having built was almost sold to another buyer. This was breaking my mother's heart because things were added to the house that she and my father specifically requested - in colors that are no longer available. Their house would have been the last one to have them.

But too much time went by without my parents' house being sold and though the woman who had arranged for them to buy the new house had stalled the builders as long as she could, it was about to be sold to someone else.

Someone else who turned out to be a young couple that couldn't quite qualify for financing for the cost of the house. They qualified for and bought a slightly smaller one in the same neighborhood.

So the house is still available and my mom spoke with their agent on Friday. If the contract on their house goes through the one that's now freshly finished being built is theirs.

New, beautiful and free of prior associations.

How's that for blessed?

I'm really happy for them. The only thing that bothers me is that they'll be forty-five minutes away so visiting will be a bitch, seeing as I rarely am able to get out. This will be a ninety minute drive for my brother, who lives in Hagerstown.

And they're moving to West By-God Virginia.

Land of a thousand inbred redneck jokes.

Where nuthin' sez luvin' like marryin' yer cuzzin.

The 'you'll never be lonely as long as your sister's home' state.

Where the state flower is the satellite dish and foreplay consists of rolling over and whispering, "yo sis - you 'wake"?

Where the three things you're most likely to hear someone say are:

1) That ain't my still, officer!

2) Hey, she didn't look like she was related to me!

3) I swear, I was just tryin' ta help that sheep over the fence!

Where you'll never hear anyone say:

1) Little Debbies have too many fat grams!

2) Stuffed deer heads don't fit my decor!

3) I'll take Shakespeare for a thousand, Alex!

Okay, I'll stop.

I kid, I kid.

West By-God is a beautiful place. I've been there many times and enjoyed my visits.

Well, except for the time my ex and I drove out for the funeral of a distant relative of his and ended up staying for five days because my FIL had a stroke and died about 11 minutes before we got there.

Now that's irony!

That fucking sucked.

:: shudder ::

In other news:

Sadly, there isn't any.


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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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