Saturday, Jun. 29, 2002

1:42 a.m.

[ Mel's Back! ]

Things do look a little weird here right now. With Mel back online (Yay!), I got the opportunity to see what my layout looks like on his much smaller screen. Having a scrollbar at the bottom bugs me so I had to do some downsizing but it still looks nice on this screen, I think. We're going to get some things done on the house tomorrow while Larry has some time left on his vacation. I'm looking foward to that because so much needs to be done. The house isn't a wreck or anything like that, there are just a few small projects, like putting up the new rack with the pretty shelves on it together and anchoring it down in the master bathroom. Hopefully, we'll be clearing out the boxes of stuff in the office too because we're both sick of looking at it. Of course, if the choice comes up to either:

a) Play with the kids


b) Clean the office

A wins every time. The boxes will be there when we're done.

I didn't mean to be online this long. I have to start getting to bed earlier.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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