Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002

8:12 a.m.

[ Mothman & Mandy Moore ]

First off, kudos to Andrew for creating the little button that allows us to enlarge the entry box. I like my 65x65 box, so thank you for catering to my (and I'm sure someone else's), megalomania.

Oh, and having figured out how to avoid the little bugs that lurk here and there, I shall not be complaining about Diaryland again. I am officially back to stay and am having a pretty good time at it.

I'm feeling much more positive the last two days, thanks in part to finally finishing getting rid of most of the mess in my spider-infested basement. The spider herself is fine, though I'm sure a bit chuffed by the whole experience. She has however, decided not to seek therapy and hopefully has wisely decided to stay out of my way, so no real damage was done. In fact, I may have been the one most upset by the incident as I was the less aggressive of the two.

Whether or not I'll be attending therapy has yet to be determined.

I'm a little disappointed in the book I'm reading. The film version of The Mothman Prophesies was much more interesting, even though I'm left to wonder where half of the story for the film version came from. In the book there is no car wreck, no dead wife, no pretty cop chick to befriend and so far Keel hasn't spoken to Indrid Cold himself. I sort of became obsessed with the movie and bought the DVD so I could watch it repeatedly (which I have, and it never gets old because I pick up on something new every time), but the book isn't as fast paced. Most of the first half of the book chronicles other UFO-related events, as if to give verification to the reader that these things can indeed happen. Well, I was already fully prepared to believe. As I've mentioned before, I am the chick version of Fox Mulder and I'm willing to believe just about anything is possible.

In the film very little hint of Cold's possible origin is given, adding to his mystery. And I've begun to think that the author Richard Klein visits in the film is closer to representing John Keel than the reporter character is. But Richard Gere is completely dreamy and since he has the more major part in the film I have very little actual issue with that. It was just an observation.

The book is written very matter-of-fact. It has a this is what happened down to the minute, these are my observations, take them or leave them tone which is excellent because it doesn't come off as pretentious. But I'm halfway through the book and only now is the investigation in Point Pleasant becoming it's focal point. Up to now the events there have been mentioned but more emphasis has been put on other similar events, almost to the point of me skipping ahead to see if there actually was an investigation in Point Pleasant. It's getting more interesting now but still no mention of a wife or horrible car accident.

In most cases the book is better then the movie.

But not in this case.

Speaking of books, I just ordered a copy of A Walk to Remember and I can't wait for it to get here. I should be finished with Mothman by then. This is another case in which the movie made me want to read the book. I don't generally like the kind of music Mandy Moore does (the type, not her music itself). She's an absolutely phenomenal actress though, and she is probably more talented than a lot of other girls who do the whole "pop princess" routine because she has two things going for her that a lot of the others don't.

1) Mandy can actually sing. She has a beautiful voice and she sings with sincerity. Her talent is larger than her image, which puts her in the same group with Michelle Branch and Vanessa Carlton (both of whom I love). I'm not a fan of her music yet, but I'm definitely warming up to her.

2) She conducts herself with dignity. She seems very genuine and sweet, like a very nice girl. I'm not saying it's never been done, but I've never seen her plastered all over the tabloids because she did something cheesy, crass or just plain disgusting. Her private life is just that. Private. I think this is really important. Lots of young girls look up to girls like Mandy Moore and I think she's a pretty decent role model.

From what I have heard, her film was also much better than Britney's, with better acting and more substance. I may never find out for myself though, because I'd rather have my breasts peeled back from the nipples like a pair of bananas than have to watch Crossroads. I can watch A Walk to Remember a hundred more times without getting tired of it, however. The love story is just too beautiful. It rates majorly high on the box-of-kleenex-ometer, but a good cry is healthy every now and then.

Oh damn. Looks like the interent connection is going again. Sometimes cable net service gets a bit twitchy. I guess if this doesn't post I can always try again later.

I have a questionaire I want to post too.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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