Saturday, Dec. 21, 2002

11:27 p.m.

[ Not bad for a days' work. ]

I have this thing about laziness; if I write out a to-do list and don't finish everything I feel like a lazy whore.

* laughter *

I'm almost doomed to dismal failure whenever I make a list because I tend to want to do everything I can while my energy level is up and the kiddies are sleeping or behaving themselves, and write down more than probably anyone could do - even on a good day.

The result: I spend a lot of time feeling like a lazy whore.

I got most of it done, though. I think I'll pass on describing what happened with the aquarium. Not because I don't want to gross anyone else out, but because I'd rather not relive the experience. I will say that once the water is mostly drained out, the damp rocks and gravels have a scent that is a little too reminiscent of wet dog. It gagged me.

Just for future reference (memo to me): remember that if I wear rubber gloves I can gather enough tension to lift the corner of the curio cabinet and slide a towel underneath to avoid tearing up the floor when I move the furniture.

(End of memo.)

I was so glad to get that furniture moved. Everything looks nicer, the living room seems more spacious and best of all, Tornado Trent the Toddling Terror has his path to the front window blocked by a chair he can neither move nor navigate around. The playpen is on the opposite side of the room. It has to be. If I don't get it far enough away and block access, the Tornado waits until I leave the room then pulls the playpen over to the ledge and climbs up into the window.

On the one hand, having an extremely intelligent child is a blessing. On the's a curse ('cause it sure keeps a girl hoppin').

Because I have this nutty thing I like to do called going to the bathroom.

And people would be shocked to learn the capacity for destruction that a two-three minute period without supervision represents.


Thrilled by this accomplishment I moved on to the kitchen and I rearranged things in there too. I didn't get much else done, however, so I'm a little dusgusted with myself, but still - that's not too bad for only one day's work.

I'm supposed to go see LOTR: The Two Towers with John tomorrow but I'm not sure it's going to happen now. I couldn't get in touch with him tonight to tell him he needs to be home early, which generally means one of two things: a) he was out late and got back to his father's house too late to call (there's a cut-off time because of people sleeping), or b) he was in the shower when I called and his dad "forgot" to give him my message. B happens quite often. John is busy so his dad listens to the answering machine messages and erases them, "forgetting" to let him know I called in the process.

Anyway, I have to get John out early to see this three hour film, then buy gifts for his dad and groceries. My folks generally come over on Sunday nights so we don't have a huge window of opportunity here. If he can't be here by 11am tomorrow at the latest, we'll have to postpone the trip to the movies until next weekend and I'd really rather not. I have a desperate need to see Elijah Wood and his oh so blue, oh so dreamy eyes that can not be denied. I believe he is one of the most exquisitely beautiful humans ever created. Besides that he's a great actor and I love his work, Frodo especially. So you see, we have to see this movie.

It really sucks to be on someone else's schedule. Larry says that's not the case, but then he says that whenever I try to talk to him about these things. I really do have to operate that way though. We can't see the 11am because Larry will be out doing some shopping then killing paper targets at the firing range. In the afternoon I have to shop and my folks are visiting in the early evening (they have this infuriating habit of not giving me a time to expect them until late morning or late afternoon, thereby throwing my whole day off-kilter).

So yeah, there's a schedule involved.

But we still can make it. I know it can be done if I can get my wonderfully wonderful son home by 11am.

I have my fingers crossed.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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