Tuesday, Jun. 04, 2002

9:31 a.m.

[ Poopy Train ]

It seems that friend Trance and I have more in common than I thought. We share a uterine connection, sister-moon style. I am so loaded with PMS I went off on a chocolate eating binge yesterday that may well have put all of the weight back on that I managed to shake off of my butt in the last month. I am jealous of Trance however. Mine hasn't started yet. Also, she's right about the word period. It doesn't fit and it sucks. I like her suggestions on correct names to describe the discomfort much better.

Oh please let it come soon. It feels like it will any minute now and I'm so ready for it to come and go.

I have emails and messages to answer and I'm so lazy this morning. I got up early to exercise and now I'm tired. I'll take care of those messages tonight, after I get back from my appointment to have my doctor determine whether or not the stabbing pains under my ear are from an ear infection. I feel dizzy at times too. It sucks muchly. I really blew my diet yesterday, after working so hard to get where I am, knowing I have miles to go yet.

Not a happy girl today.

Poopy train.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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