Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003

11:53 p.m.

[ Reign Of Fire ]

First of all, thank you to everyone who emailed me or dropped a supportive note in my guestbook. I was really upset about Mel's demise, something which I suspect was exacerbated by the fact that I've had way too much time at home the last three weeks. Except for a quick trip out to the post office or the equally speedy trip to shop for gifts last week I haven't been out.

Pathetic, I know.

And yes, I do disgust myself. Frequently.

As much as I loathe the thought of the onset of hot weather (as Henry Rollins has said, summer hits this area like a hammer), I'm starting to look forward to spring because the babies and I will be getting out more. Zoe cries when I take them out in the cold and Trentimus doesn't care much for it either. They don't like the wind and I can't say I blame them, it's been stabbing through us like a sharp and very pointy knife of late. The kind of wind that hits you so hard it makes your skin hurt and your eyes water.

Ren and Stimpy flashback:

Mr. Horse, can you tell us how you felt about that?

(Mr. Horse, after rubbing his chin thoughtfully)

"Well Sir - I don't like it!!"

That's us.

I love the look of the snow, I even love going out to shovel the driveway, and that's no small task. The last time it took me almost two hours. It's the windy, stabby, hurty cold that I'm not crazy about.

Anyway, that's probably why I was feeling so dramatically bummed out over it.

I need to get out more.


As if that's news.

Speaking of which - in other news...

I finally got to see Reign Of Fire and to say it was worth the ridiculously long time I had to wait to see it doesn't do it justice. The plot was imaginative, the directing was brilliant and the acting was so realistic and natural it bordered on Godliness. The dragons themselves were, like Gollum in LOTR:TTT, masterpieces of computer animation and (unlike Gollum), beautiful yet intensely terrifying. There isn't much in the way of blood and guts, most of the destruction the dragons cause is by fire but it works so well. When the dragons attacked the humans, I got a very real sense of their terror and that feeling of shared experience is rare.

Also, I loved, LOVED, LOVED Christian Bale in this movie. He's been great in every film I've seen him in but Reign Of Fire was by far his best work. He brought depth to a character that could have just as easily become another tired action film cliche and gave him a genuine sympathetic likable quality that makes you care whether or not he succeeds and is able to go back home to the community he loves and wants to protect.

This is far preferable to the mean spirited shit he played in Shaft, whose most notable accomplishment was in compelling the audience to fervently hope Shaft would kick his teeth in.

Side note here: was Samuel L. Jackson dead frikkin' sexy in that movie or what?

Anyway, this movie has definitely made a Christian Bale admirer out of me.

In still other news...



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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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