Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003

7:53 a.m.

[ Dude, where's my car?!?! ]

What can I say? As predicted, I am feeling much better this morning.

I had to share these. This is what it looked like when we got up yesterday morning.

And this was what it looked like after we dug most of the way through to the front of the cars.

When we woke up this morning there was even more snow, but only about an inch and a half or so. And it had stopped.

Right now it's snowing to beat the band. I'm not sure how much additional accumulation this will mean for us, but I'm not taking the kids out in it. I was really looking forward to having some playtime in the snow with them but the snow is taller than they are so it's probably not a good idea.

In other news...

Joe Millionaire ended just the way I had hoped; with Evan choosing the girl to whom money means very little, and who was probably the only one there with a genuine interest in him as a person. In spite of the fact that he was involved in this whole...scam, for lack of a better word, he is a really nice guy and she'd be missing out on a good man if she had decided to go her own way.

I was really glad he didn't choose the foot sucking porno whore. Sarah and her stupid friend Melissa showed what they were really like when they were discussing the situation shortly before Sarah left. Evan was right to think that Sarah would have only been in it for the money.

The worst was Sarah mocking Zora later in an interview to give her impressions of what was going on in her head when they were having their last breakfast together before Evan told them his decision. She made reference to Zora's supposed niavete.

"I've got this guy. I've got him and Zora's just so...I don't want to say she's niave but she is. She's just :: insert stupid facial expression and equally stupid, obnoxious noise here ::..."

Sarah really thought she had it all wrapped up. If not for the fact that she was so obviously humiliated when he told her he'd chosen Zora I'd have really enjoyed watching her squirm. If I had seen her behavior with Melissa before I saw him talk to her I know I'd have enjoyed it. That was one seriously screwed up pair of nasty, catty little bitches.

There was one thing that really impressed me about this group, though. Even though I didn't like most of them I had to admire their confidence. After being sent home many of them, Melissa included, said something to the effect of, "Well, he's the one missing out because he's missing out on me."

Granted, some of that may have been about a girl trying to soothe her own ego, but I think in most cases they genuinely believed it. Melissa most certainly did. Imagine having that kind of confidence. I've always felt, with practically every relationship I've ever had, that I was the in-between relationships girl, the one you hang with until you find someone better (prettier).

It would never occur to me to think that if he didn't choose me that he'd be missing out on something wonderful by not being with me.

I'd just be wondering what I did wrong.

Anyway, it ended the way I had hoped it would.

The aftermath is next Monday. I can't wait.


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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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