Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002

6:50 p.m.

[ I love movies in which shit blows up ]

I don't know what to say about today, except that I'll have to say it quickly because "Collateral Damage" starts in a few minutes.

I've never had my nails done, not ever until today. I loved it! It took far less time that it does for me to polish and shape them myself and the result was amazing. I just had the manicurist work with my nails instead of getting tips. She gave them nice squared ends and when it was finished I had sheer green glittery nails and my hands have never looked so good!

For a change my hair ended up just the way I wanted as well. A good hair and a good nail day. Not to sound shallow or anything (I'm just so thrilled that it got done at all and turned out so well), but for a woman this is manic fucking nirvana. A feeling akin to the push that actually delivers the baby.

I'm talkin' the Vienna Boy's Choir singing Halleluiah in the backgroud, the earth moved and the angels wept.

Well, okay, maybe that's a bit much. But it was damned close, I swear.

My mom enjoyed her massage and facial too. Big time. She said I gave her the best part of my gift certificate. I don't think so, but she sure was happy. And relaxed. I think she took a nap when she went home. I know I did.

Not only did my beloved let me sleep, he grilled up some of his famous marinated chicken for dinner.

And somebody just upped my feedback rating on Ebay.

Now we're going to watch an Arnold Swarzenegger (drool), movie in which I suspect some shit is going to blow up.

I love movies in which shit blows up.

It was indeed a good day.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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