Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2002

7:29 a.m.

[ Another shooting? ]

Someone was shot about ninety minutes ago in Montgomery County, where the shootings began. That's one county over, so the schools will probably be under lockdown again today. He's come full circle, if indeed this turns out to be him. Larry is going to be caught in some serious traffic on his way to Baltimore because there are several checkpoints and not all of them have been identified, because the cops are asking the press to not release all of the locations. We know about a few; in Wheaton, on route 70 and in Aspen Hill, but there are lots more.

If this shooting is linked to him that brings his shots up to fourteen. So far he's injured three people and killed nine.

Larry is more afraid for us than for himself and he's the one headed directly into the mess, or rather, passing through it.

There are going to be lots of calls back and forth today.

I am very grateful for cellphones.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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