Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002

11:05 p.m.

[ Sinuses & Suicides ]

I've been visiting a lot of fansites, most of whom are individually owned domains, and I have become interested in having a domain myself. I have my site with batcave and it's working out really well, but the idea of having my own domain to do with what I wish sounds really nice. I would have the flexibility to do anything I want with it and since the domain would be mine there might not be any bandwidth issues, which has become a concern as more people join my rings. Fortunately nothing negative has happened with my bandwidth yet.

Toni has one now and I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

I wouldn't leave my journal though. As much griping and moaning (and swearing...we can't forget the swearing), as I do here it does help me feel better. When writing about my issues here they seem to make it into my family time less.

Maybe I'm just more in control when I know I have an outlet.

It does make me feel tons better.

Speaking of feeling better, I'm beginning to. I thought that my fevers and chills were brought on by the flu, but I had some antibiotics from a prescription I filled and never used because my doctor changed her mind about what to give me, so I started taking them. I now believe what I have is another sinus infection. There has been the most foul drainage down the back of my throat today, the fever broke and I'm able to eat. Also, the pain in my head and face are gone.

Not substancially decreased.


I haven't told anyone I'm medicating because firstly, I know what I'm doing. The antibiotics I'm taking were prescribed for a sinus infection and since the pills were only prescribed two months ago I know they haven't expired (but just to be sure I did check the date).

Secondly, I haven't told anyone I'm medicating because I really don't want to hear anything about it right now. We have to jump through flaming hoops and juggle our schedules ridiculously just so I can go to the doctor and this time I was so sick I would have had no choice but to go to Brunswick for an evening appointment and sit in their waiting room of no return. I waited for three hours to be examined there once. Usually it's still a long wait but that's the record. I don't even want to visualize myself sitting in there shivering and throwing up all over the place. And I'll do it too. They know from experience I will, however much I try not to.

Besides, the medicine seems to be doing it's wonderful healing thing because I'm feeling much better and can speak above a whisper today. I'm still tired and a bit weak but definitely on the mend.

At least now I know for sure what it is, and that in itself makes me more able to relax because I know my children can't catch it.

So it looks like we're on for the SC trip, barring (of course), and unforseen circumstances.

I love having this time to myself at night. It's so quiet and I really need that. It's a great atmosphere for reading. In the last two weeks I have finished A Walk to Remember and am now almost finished reading The Virgin Suicides.

The Virgin Suicides is amazing. I was able to get into it immediately, not just because of the story but also due to the writer's incredible style of writing. His language is so beautiful and there's this sense of desperation that is so clearly communicated throughout the entire book. Usually when I read a book after seeing the movie the mental imagery I get is a replay of scenes from the film, but in this case the only scene in which this happened was the part in which Trip first saw Lux. The girls all look very different in my mind. I see them now that I am close to the end as they are described; with their ribs showing and their skin pale. Lux is promiscuous (the title refers to a song from one of Lux's records, not the girls' virginity itself), and is badly showing the effects of her hermitage. Other than Lux's trysts on the roof, those things weren't covered in the film. Trip Fontaine is an ass. If not for him Lux would have made it home on time and the girls wouldn't have all been locked up. It's sad to think about how they're all stuck in this unkempt time warp of a house with one parent who is losing his own will to exist and one who is a fanatical dictator, while all around them life goes on.

Well, I'm off to finish it. Tonight's the night.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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