Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002

7:51 a.m.

[ Got the flu ]

I have the worst flu. I started feeling yucko yesterday afternoon and by about 6pm I could barely stand. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning. The thought of food makes me so queasy.

I started to feel as if I might lose the little bit of liquid I had managed to consume last night on the way back from taking the VW to be serviced. I made it home, practically hung out the car door (anyone who had seen it would have laughed their ass of because I swear, I must have looked like Edina on AbFab spilling out onto the pavement). I'm not going into specifics about what happened, but I think people will get the idea.

I'm trying to be ladylike here.

I slept in fifteen or twenty minute intervals all night because I couldn't stop shaking. I was tucked under flannel sheets, an electric blanket set all the way up on high, a comforter and another blanket on top of that. Larry was so great, bless him. He did most of the getting up with the babies. His eyes are all red and sleepy this morning.

We have to go out later and get something straightened out with our insurance company. I honestly don't think I'm up to it. Partly because I'm sick, partly because some rampant zealot accosted me there in front of my children a few weeks ago. She works in the same little strip mall, so avoiding her may be impossible.

If she bothers me today I have a little something for her, and believe me, she doesn't want it.

I couldn't sleep after awhile so I came down to use the PC and set up a forum at MotherPeace. That's going to be the last work I do on it for at least a few days though.

I feel extremely icky.

I keep thinking I'm going to lie down and rest but it doesn't happen. Now both babies are awake so it's really not happening.

So I'll veg in a sitting up position rather than a reclining one.

It's the same either way.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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