Monday, Nov. 18, 2002

6:04 p.m.

[ Virus, round three ]

I'm catching it again; the same miserable virus that has been making the rounds at Chez' Dreamy since John started school. I'm well for a week then sick for two, just like the babies. So I may not be around much for the next few days. I need to get myself straightened out in time to make our family trip next week. So if anyone signs my guestbook or emails me and I don't answer, that's why. I may peek my head in from time to time but I'm all achy and feeling like shit so a peek may be all I do for awhile.

It started this afternoon, hitting me suddenly and hard. Kind of like a truck.

Now I'm all achy and weak and can't seem to get comfortable. The bottom of my mouth (under my tongue especially), is sensitive again too. Not painful yet, just sensitive, so I know it's that same virus. I hate that fucker.

Zoe's sounding chuggy again too.

I guess this means no shopping tomorrow.

Larry wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to take the VW in for service but I know how this thing makes me feel. Tomorrow I'll barely be able to get out of bed. So we're taking it in tonight.

My body aches so badly that even Excedrin doesn't help and that's the best OTC there is.

I'm so angry right now. Pissed off because I'm tired of being sick from this rotten motherfucker all of the time.

We just can't seem to get rid of it.

It takes two weeks to completely get rid of it and I don't want to have to travel while I'm sick. Or worse, if the kids are.

If they're well I know Larry won't go to SC by himself. He says he can't handle the kids alone. That's so frustrating for me because whenever I stick my nose out of my house, either one or all of them are with me. If I go to the doctor, most of the time they go too. Shopping? Ditto. Anywhere? Mostly ditto.

So why does he feel as if he can't handle them by himself?

I don't know. But he's such a wonderful parent. I know he can do it. It would be better than cancelling another family trip and disappointing his clan because I'm not feeling well. I'd rather be by myself for the holiday than have that happen again.

His family gets to see the babies so seldom and they're so excited about thanksgiving.

I hope I don't end up ruining this for everyone. For me to feel like shit is one thing. For me to have a virus that hangs around like a clingy ex-boyfriend that won't go away (no matter how much I want it to), for two weeks and take everyone else down with me is quite another entirely.

I hate this so much.

The panic period is over and now I have the viral period.


This really fucking bites.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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