Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002

11:11 a.m.

[ Stuff about me ]

Sooner or later I'll need to try to rewrite the entry I lost last night. But not today. We're getting the first snow of the season, an event that usually doesn't happen around these parts until after the first of the year, so I'm pretty psyched about that.

What I decided to do instead is borrow this facts about me thingy from Tiffany. Go see her. She's awesome!

I may do a more in-depth version eventually and maybe even gather up the courage to work up a bio but thus far I haven't figured out a way to do that and be brutally honest without sounding like a whiney little snot. The fact is, most of it has been a really difficult life to live, but I don't want people to either think I'm exaggerating or trying to garner sympathy. If I do it, the bio will be written exactly as the events (or non-events), of my life have happened. I'm not talented enough to make that stuff up.

So I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, on with my little factoid thing.

Name - Shannon Marie

Birthday - March 15, 1969

Piercings - Still open: four in my left ear and four along the lobe and side of my right ear and one in the top, in the cartilage. Closed up: right nostril, pierced and allowed to close five times for various reasons - I'm thinking of repiercing it. (Update: it has been repierced)

Tattoos - I'm virgin territory right now, but I'd like to eventually have the little planet from the cover of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy somewhere on my body and a pentacle on each wrist and at the base of my throat (to represent the path of drawn energy).

Height - 5'2. I'm a hobbit.

Weight - Sorry, I just can't. See my pictures and you'll understand why.

Shoe size - 8&1/2

Hair color - Dark brown with lots of red (looks redder in the sun).

Length - A little longer than shoulder-length

Eye color - Silvery blue. They look more silver than blue when I'm upset.

Siblings - My brother Patrick, almost five years my junior.

Pets - Moby, my goldfish.


Food - Seafood, souvlaki and chocolate. But not at the same meal.

Song - The Neverending Story, Imagine, Into the Mystic.

Thing to do - Read, play on the internet, play Resident Evil on PS2.

Thing to talk about - My children and practially everything else.

Sports - Hockey!

Drinks - Diet Coke with Lemon, Hershey's Creamy Chocolate Shake (oh, those bottles of sweet, chocolatey goodness, a tongue-gasm).

Clothes - Jeans and t-shirt

Movies - The Patriot, What Dreams May Come, Edward Scissorhands, A Walk to Remember

Bands - John Lennon, The Beatles, Michelle Branch, Van Morrison, CCR, Vanessa Carlton (and starting to really like Mandy Moore), P.O.D.

Holiday - Samhain.

Cars - 1999 Silver Ford Taurus.

Ever cried over a girl or boy - Yes.

Ever lied to someone - Yes.

Ever been in a fist fight - My cousin and I used to punch out on one another when we were in our mid-teens. Once it took my mom, aunt and grandmother to pull us apart. None since then though.


Shampoo do you use - Aussie!! It smells so good.

Perfume do you use - Chanel #5, Women of Earth

Shoes do you wear - Skechers.

Are you scared of - Losing my husband and having to raise my three children alone, spiders, sharks and the face in The Exorcist (white face, red eyes).


of times I have had my heart broken? Many.

of hearts I have broken? Including my mom's? 3.

of boys I have kissed? Lots.

of girls I have kissed? None.

of continents I have lived in? 1

of drugs taken illegally? 3 different kinds. Number of times? Don't know. Many.

of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? 1

of people I consider my enemies? 0

of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? 0

of cd's that I own? Too many to store on one shelf. They're divided up between the CD shelf in my living room and two drawers in my bedroom.

of scars on my body? Two on my forehead (one from chicken pox, one from having a rock thrown at me when I was in third grade), an appendectomy scar, a tiny scar on my wrist caused by an inexperienced lab tech twisting a needle in it to hit the vein (trying to take a blood gas when I was hospitalized for an asthma attack at age fifteen).

of things in my past that I regret? Lots of things. Marrying Fuckface, the one unmentionable thing (that's the worst), and not leaving FF sooner.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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