Friday, Dec. 20, 2002

12:33 a.m.

[ True crime and gift selections. ]

I don't know what was going on with toddler-man, but he turned out to be okay. He was lethargic for most of the day, but late in the afternoon he perked right up and was his normal destructive yet delightfully adorable self.

I'm almost finished with the shopping.

:: happy dance, happy dance - you go girl, you go girl ::

I only have three people left to shop for and I can probably take care of their gifts tomorrow. My cousin's hubby is such a sweet man, I love him so much. He's easy to buy for too, because he reads the same true-crime books I like. I just think about which degenerate book choices I'd be making for myself and pick a winner every time. I say degenerate because a few years ago I was a member of the True Crime Book Club, and as always, I got several free books as part of my introductory shipment. When it arrived I happily sat on the floor with my box of books and showed them to my brother, who had arrived pretty much at the same time as my shipment.

Me, excitedly :: "Look Patrick!! This one's about Jeffrey Dahmer!!"

"Ooohh look!! This one's about Pam Smart!!"

"Check this out - it's the book of transcripts from the Bobbit trial!!"

Patrick :: "Uh, isn't that the guy whose wife cut his weiner off?"

Me, still excited, big goofy smile :: "YEAH!!"

Patrick :: "Where'd you get all of this shit?"

Me :: "Book club"

My brother picked up a book about Jeffrey Dahmer, shook his head and said, "Whoever packed your stuff was probably looking at it and going what a degenerate!"

That still makes me laugh.

And now I have excellent company in my cousin's husband. I have a book in mind I think he'll like, but it may be hard to find. His special interest is serial killers so I'm sure I can find something to make him happy. Two years ago I bought him a book for his birthday entitled The A - Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers and he loved it. Apparently he'd been wanting it for awhile but he's one of those people who rarely buys anything for himself. Most of the men I know are like that. I wonder why? Anyway, he seemed kind of astonished. I was rewarded with a big hug.

"How did you know I wanted that?"

I've actually gotten pretty good with this whole gift giving thing and can usually pick out creative gifts for people I don't even know. My SIL and BIL are still a challenge, however. I bought my SIL a huge porcelain figurine of Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus. I may send Larry on a hunt for something for his brother and mom because I'm totally stumped at this point.

Speaking of gifts, I want this bag so much. I saw it on America's Most Wanted and I really love it. A reporter was killed and some of her things stolen, one of which was this gorgeous handbag that people think has Anna Nicole on it - the model's name is Eva. Anyway, because it's missing a description was given and a picture shown and I have been coveting it ever since.

I've given Larry the heads-up on that too but he doesn't buy things online so there probably isn't much hope of getting it. There is no Guess store here so the only way to get their stuff is via internet. I only mentioned two things I'd like to have (ha-ha, yesterday it was just one, I'm getting greedy), but if he only gives me one I'll still be happy because it shows he's listening to me when I tell him I like something and he cares.

If he buys the bag it will be the most expensive one I own.

What? I already said I like shopping at Wal-Mart


Damn, I'm cheap.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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