Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002

2:50 p.m.

[ The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen ]

What Rasputina Song Are You?

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I woke up way late this morning but was otherwise looking forward to going shopping with the kiddies today until...

I got a good look at my second-born. Poor baby seems to be coming down with something. He doesn't have any symptoms yet but he's showing some pretty non-Trenty behaviors.

He generally wakes up between 7:30 and 8am and trashes my room; opens and empties drawers, jumps on the bed, steps on me, pulls my hair, breaks shit. That kind of thing. This morning I woke up and he had the blankets pulled up to his chest (usually he kicks everything off because he doesn't like to be covered), and was quietly playing with the sheet hem.


Unusual, but he's probably just feeling mellow today. Yeah, like that ever happens (*laughing*).

In the first two hours after getting up I realized that though he has no fever, something is definitely wrong. He wasn't trying to climb into the window or up to sit on the end table. He wasn't running around with his arms up, yelling (which he does for fun as well as during tantrums), and he wouldn't eat.

He was just kind of letting himself drape limply over the arm of the recliner. When he finally moved it was to sit in the chair rather than jump into it and ride it until it was fully reclined. I tried to get him to eat but for a long time he wasn't interested, a sure sign that something is amiss because he eats constantly. He was just thirsty, and it took three sippy cups full of fluids to make him feel better.

He finally did climb into the front window so I gave him a time out. Instead of raising hell about it he laid down and fell asleep.


Trentimus is catching a cold, it seems. If it were something else he might be running a fever. Even so, we'll have to watch over him especially close over the next two or three days just to be sure it isn't something else because I can't let my baby be sick through xmas. Being laid-up during the holidays sucks majorly.

So instead of going today I'll be doing the shopping tonight and allowing myself to become even more behind on getting the in-laws' gifts out than before. It's official: I still suck. I'll be tired but I'll be able to move along faster because I'll be alone so it balances out. I plan to start at Fredericktowne Mall and move on to Wal-Mart when the mall closes so I can get as much done as possible. And no, I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that I shop at Wal-Mart. It's open 24 hours - what could be more convenient than that?

I've been anxiously waiting for the release of Songs For Dust Mites, the first post Blue's Clues work by Steven Burns. Yeah, I'm still harboring a little crush on Mr. Steve. What can I say? He's just really, really cute. And he can sing. I like the MP3s he has posted on the site. His voice has a fantastic, dreamy quality and the music behind it is amazingly good. I wish he'd finish the damn CD already! I want a copy! Mel (my elderly yet dignified PC), won't play MP3s so I have to listen to them downstairs on hubby's PC or not at all. So you see, I really do need that CD.

In the spirit of xmas, I have decided to share yet another gem from the Bob Rivers Twisted Christmas compilation. I hope it brings everyone else the warm, tingly seasonal joy it brings me. Okay, well it might not do that, but it will definitely make you laugh. If it doesn't you're an even worse grinch than me.

The Restroom Door Said "Gentlemen"

(Sung to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")

The restroom door said 'Gentlemen'

So I just walked inside.

I took two steps and realized,

I'd been taken for a ride.

I heard high voices,

Turned and found the place was occupied,

By three nuns, two old ladies and a nurse.

What could be worse,

Than three nuns, two old ladies and a nurse?

The restroom door said 'Gentlemen'

It must have been a gag.

As soon as I walked in,

I ran into some old hag.

She sprayed me with a can of mace,

And hit me with her bag.

It just wasn't turning out to be my day.

What can I say?

It just wasn't turning out to be my day!

The restroom door said 'Gentlemen',

And I would like to find,

The crummy little creep,

Who had the nerve to switch the sign.

Because I've got two black eyes,

And one high heel up my behind.

Now I'll never sit in comfort or joy.

Boy oh boy!

Now I'll never sit in comfort or joy.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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