Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002

12:02 a.m.

[ Trent kicks my figurative ass - again ]

I have so much to do and am mostly getting a great deal of nothing done.

There are reviews backed up like I can't believe and every day they get a little deeper and still I can't get up the focus to wade through them. I think it's because my mind is so occupied with other things that it's temporarily crippled.

Trent's resourcefulness amazes me. He keeps using his sister's crib as a boost up onto the dresser. Once he's up there he proceeds to dump the contents of the container of baby powder all over the place until I see what he's doing and stop him. This usually happens when I've forgotten to slide the rail of the crib into place and have gone to the bathroom. He's like a monkey; it takes only a few seconds for him to climb up. The situation should be easy enough to remedy. Just remember to slide the rail up, right?

Well, that used to work.

I found out today that it only slows him down a little, so I had to rearrange the furniture again. This makes about six times in the last two months. And it isn't just an issue of flung baby powder, either. He could seriously injure himself if he falls off of the dresser and he's already managed to knock one lamp down and break it, which creates an even bigger hazard.

This boy is making me tired.

I keep stopping to remind myself: this is the child the state has decided is disabled.

Methinks they possess a great wealth of ignorance, and I can prove it.

Within less than a minute of finishing my work in the babies' room and taking down the gate, Tornado Trent the Toddling Terror had figured out a way to get himself far enough up on the crib to reach the cup I keep their toothbrushes in. It took him approximately twenty seconds to climb up, grab his toothbrush and take off like a bat out of hell, chewing that toothbrush like a rabid beaver. It took me most of the day to figure out a way of rearranging the furniture in a way we haven't tried before (in very limited space for moving things around, I'd like to add), and an hour to do the actual moving.

Disabled? Perhaps in a past life.

In this one he's fucking Einstein, Houdini and Sigmund Freud all rolled into one. This boy has problem solving intelligence and I'm beginning to think he's either psychic or one step ahead of me psychologically because there's no obstacle I can put up that he can't overcome.

Of course, it could just be that he's smarter than I am.

At this point I am completely ready to entertain that possibility.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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