Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002

11:50 p.m.

[ Divine Diaryland Ya-Yas ]

This is a circle for anyone who loved the book or film Divine Secrets Of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. The ring is open to everyone (men too!). The only rule is:

* DON'T forget to post the code! New Ya-Yas have 48 hours to post the code somewhere on their sites, be it on the front, links or rings page. If you have a graphic you want to use in addition to the ring code that reflects your Ya-Ya name, that's wonderful too (just keep the ring code posted)!

Here's what the graphic will look like:

I'd like to post the link to the member's sites here along with their Ya-Ya names, so email me when you join and I'll include those here. If you don't want to do that, you'll still be happily accepted into the circle.

To get more acquainted with the Ya-Yas, read Little Altars Everywhere and Divine Secrets Of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, both by Rebecca Wells.

Pictures, behind the scenes information and the Ya-Ya Name Generator can be found at the official movie site. Just click on the flash animation and when the window pops up, hover on the menu that says "Ya-Ya". Another menu will appear that will take you to the name generator. Sometimes it doesn't stay up when the cursor moves from "Ya-Ya" to "Name Generator", so right click as if you're going to save something and the menu will freeze long enough for you to pick an option. There's lots of other fun stuff there too, so stay awhile and check things out. :o)

Welcome to the circle.

Ya Ya!!

The Ya-yas:

DreamyAutumn ~ Princess Sleeping Butterfly
GracieKata ~ Duchess Howls at the Moon

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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