Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002

12:23 a.m.

[ A moment of zen ]

I'm much more at peace than I was this morning. After having more time to think about it I know I did the right thing. Being informed beats being lied to and anxious about the true whereabouts of my child, so to allow him to go was really the only option I had. As he gets older he will (I'm sure), develop interests in other things that make me worry, but so far hunting has been the biggie. The queen mother of all worrisome things.

Sometimes I'm overcome by the urge to push him down, sit on him and not let him up until he does what I want him to do. Those times are so few any more, he's gotten to be so calm and pleasant. I knew we have a lot in common already, but that connection has been more evident lately. I think I realized how deep it goes one day last week when I was bringing John home and an AC/DC song came on that we both like. We had the volume turned up almost loud enough to make our ears bleed and we were loving it, talking loud and laughing over the song.

Yup, he's a mini-me.

I say a mini-me because Zoe looks just like me. That means I have two (in your face Dr. Evil!).

Time will tell if she and I have as many common interests as John and I do.

So I guess I can be okay with this hunting thing, even though I don't like it. As long as John comes back from it intact I can't complain.

And that is today's moment of zen.

More zen...

I just realized that I got a killer review at Jaded! I had to thank them - it made my whole week! :o)

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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