Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002

12:12 a.m.

[ Anybody wanna take a survey? ]

I'll get the problems with the archive template worked out later. Right now I thought I'd share this.

This is more about me than any rational human need know. I found it at DropKickSam's journal.

This is more about me than any rational human need know. I found it at DropKickSam's journal.

1. [spell your name backwards] nonnahS.
2. [describe yourself in three words]: Silly, witchy, mommy.
3. [who is your worst enemy?]: No one really.
4. [if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: Miniature horse.
5. [have you ever used a spork?]: Yup.
6. [do you even know what a spork is?]: A fork/spoon combo thing.
7. [what is the latest you've ever stayed up?]: For three days & nights when I was 13 (my cousin said I couldn't so I had to prove her wrong).
8. [ever been to Belgium?]: No.
9. [what's your favorite coin?]: Quarters because they work in vending machines.
10. [wallet]: Blue denim pouchy thing.
11. [brush]: Blue with bristles spaced wide apart.
12. [toothbrush]: Mentadent/ electric. I use both.
13. [pillow cover]: Okay.
14. [blanket]: Looney Tunes/Dick Tracy.
15. [coffee cup]: Smiley Guy/Scooby Doo.
16. [sunglasses]: John Lennon (round lenses).
17. [underwear]: Bikinis.
18. [shoes]: Skechers.
19. [handbag]: Backpack.
20. [favorite top]: Gauzy white lace gothic top with flared sleeves.
21. [favorite pants]: Jeans.
22. [cologne]: Chanel #5/ Women of Earth/ Love's Baby Soft.
23. [cd right now]: 12 Tales
24. [tattoos]: Nope.
25. [piercings]: Ears.
26. [current music]: The hum of my PC.
27. [wearing]: Shorts, tee shirt, lacy bra and navy bikinis.
28. [hair]: Reddish Brown.
29. [makeup]: Not at the moment.
30. [in my mouth]: A nice minty taste.
31. [in my head]: Gotta go shopping tomorrow for a birthday gift for a person I barely know. Concerned.
32. [hearing]: Baby in next room.
33. [wishing]: I was prettier.
34. [after this]: Going to hold my baby girl.
35. [talking to]: Myself.
36. [eating]: Nothing.

7 things you are afraid of: (not in particular order)
The face in THE EXORCIST (all white with red eyes :: shudder ::).
People who combine guns and booze.
The possibility of more terrorist attacks.

Seven things that make you laugh:
My husband.
My kids.
Spongebob Squarepants.
Jim Carrey
Fairly Oddparents.
George Carlin.
Shows on Fox.

Seven things you love:
Horror novels/movies.
Gothic anything.
Being a wife/mom.
The internet.
My journals.
People with a great sense of humor.

Seven things that make you cry:
Someone else's pain (someone I love epsecially).
Sad movies.
Things I see on the news.
A good book.
Being really, really angry.
"Hello" by Lionel Richie. (Don't ask, I don't know).
Knowing about the cruelty that people inflict upon one another - ignorance truly is bliss.

Seven things you don't understand:
Chinese (but I desperately want to).
Most Gaelic (ditto).
Morse Code.
People who hurt/torture/kill because they think God wants them to.

Seven facts about you:
I have the outlines and research finished for two books that will be really good, but my excruciating fear of failure won't let me write them.
I can flip people off with my middle toe.
I closed the hatchback of a Dodge Caravan on my left breast once. I didn't like it.
I have trust issues concerning most men.
I love seafood and am hopelessly addicted to milk chocolate covered espresso beans.
I have PTSD. Memory loss has resulted.
I'm completely in love with Mel Gibson.

Seven things you can do:
Make people laugh.
HTML design.
Give good advice.
Spirit intuition.

Seven Things You Can't Do:
Drive a stick shift.
Meet new people without feeling uncomfortable.
Sew an entire dress.
Stand at the top of a high building without being terrified.
Make a Blancmange. I tried. It wouldn't set.
Hear a Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera song without shuddering (Also, Willa Ford or Jessica Simpson).
Build a robot.

Top 7 songs people should give a listen - (in no particular order)
The Neverending Story.
Have you ever seen the rain.
Into the mystic.
Anything from the 12 Tales CD.

Top 7 things that you like about opposite sex:
A man's sense of humor. They can joke about or make a sexual innuendo about anything.
The way they smell when they're fresh from the shower.
The way their hair feels.
Their tall, sturdy frames.
When they are good fathers/ husbands/ boyfriends.
The way they kiss.
A man gets all sleepy when you rub his tummy. It's very cute.

Top 7 things you say the most:
I love you.
Come on, Sweetie. Say "Mommy."
No no son! Don't do that!
Fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck!
Hey look - Spongebob's on!

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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