Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002

9:38 a.m.

[ Autumn cleaning and privacy ]

There are not enough uninterrupted hours in a single day for me to get everything I need to do done. I was planning to clean out my basement this week during the mornings while the babies sleep, but this is the second morning in a row that Trent has gotten up early and refused to go back to sleep. It's as if he knows. I told Larry this morning that I'll need him to watch the kids for at least an hour each evening this week so I can do what I need to do. We have boxes piled up from floor to ceiling in some places down there and a lot of it is stuff that was damaged when we had a major storm a year ago that leaked water into our basement. Even stuff that was wrapped in plastic got all moldy and smelly. Most of it, including most of the stuffed animals I've had since I was a child, will have to be thrown out. My stuffies are mostly too old to wash, and it doesn't make sense to have things just sitting around moldering down there. We also have a lot of stuff that's going to Goodwill, so we're renting a pickup truck this weekend to haul it all away. My folks are splitting the cost of the rental with us and we're hauling stuff away for them too. I'm so delighted to be finally getting this done, even if I do have to work on it in the evenings.

Beats not getting it done at all.

My cleaning frenzy hits in the fall rather than spring, when most people get the urge to do their major cleaning and I am so pumped to get at mine it's unreal. I feel like Spongebob ruuning to work at the Krusty Krab.

Iiiiiiiiiiiii'm ready! Iiiiiiiiiii'mm ready! Iiiiiiiiiiiiii'm ready!

I need to do some more work on my site. Samhain is almost here and I haven't done anything even remotely resembling an article to add to my pagan holidays area. No recipes, no crafts, nothing. I guess it doesn't have to be done now. Just the fact that I'll be celebrating in some small way this year makes me feel better. Last year I had a beautiful few minutes of quiet by myself in my back yard to reflect and pray, which was wonderful on it's own and made me feel very centered. I'd like to do something more this year though. Maybe I little candle celebration and a little metaphysical push to help my parents sell their house. I also have a tarot reading planned. It's gonna be a busy night.

I held on to my dream journal, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't delete it. There's some pretty incriminating stuff in there, especially in regards to my wife-swapping dreams and considering how Google brings up all kinds of weird things in it's searches, it's possible that either my husband or someone he knows (!!), will find it. I think I'll password protect it for now then decide later what to do with it. Yeah, I think that's best. If I move the dreams here there's still a chance they can be found here. In that case I've defeated my whole purpose in moving them.

I'm probably just being twitchy because a friend's husband was emailed the link to her journal last night, which probably started WW III. I wrote to her but haven't heard back.

I don't want to use her name and further compromise her privacy, but I do have a message for her.

If you're reading this (you know who you are), please email me and let me know you're okay. I love you and I'm worried about you.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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